Portrait by Élie Delaunay (1879)
Portrait by Édouard Dubufe (1867)
Portrait by Ernest Hébert (1840)
Portrait by Théodore Richomme
Portrait by Jean Auguste Ingres (1841)
Portrait by his son, Jean (about 1892)
Portrait by Henri Lehmann (1841)
Caricature by Étienne Carjat
Caricature by Étienne Carjat
Caricature by Étienne Carjat
On the deathbed by his brother-in-law Joseph
Duglé ( 1893 )
Anna Zimmerman by Ingres (1859)
Bust to Saint-Rémy of Provence
Portrait by Duran
Sculpture of the Parc Monceau
First prize of Rome
Portrait by François Davin
Extract of the Price of Rome
Manuscript sent to his friend Emile Augier
" A break in the French Comedy in 1885, an
evening of the first " E.J.Dantan's picture
Portrait by Lupas
Beside Franz Liszt
Bronze by F.Focht |
Engraving by Fortuny