( Creation in the Théâtre-Lyrique, on
April 27, 1867)
Situation : Vérone, à
la Renaissance.
Troy jeune
basse chantante
frère Laurent
le duc
frère Jean
After a stormy orchestral introduction, depicting
the hostility which reigns between the Capulet and the
Montaigu, the curtain rises on a declaimed choral prologue
summarizing the tragedy.
Act I. A masked ball in the palace of the
The guests sing the pleasures which await them this evening
(introduction: " L'heure s'envole"). Young noble Pâris
is amazed at the magnificence of the ball, but Tybalt,
nephew of Capulet, assures him that he will forget this
magnificence, when he sees the magnificent Juliette,
daughter of Capulet. When Capulet leads his daughter in the
room, she becomes indeed the centre of attention. Capulet
invites cheerfully the guests to dance in the nearby rooms
and is delighted to leave Pâris to escort Juliette.
When the stage is empty, masked Roméo Montaigu and
his friends Mercutio and Benvolio come out of their hiding
place. Due to their disguise, they were able to enter the
rival house without being recognized. Roméo has now
reserves on their outing and wishes to leave. He explains
that he recently had a dream that filled him with somber
premonitions as as to their adventure. Mercutio frivolously
brushes aside his premonitions , saying they are the work of
the queen Mab (ballad of the queen Mab: " Mab, la reine des
mensonges "). Roméo is comforted by this ballad, but
suddenly sees Juliette through an open door. He falls in
love with her in an instant. Enchanted, Roméo is
pushed outside by his friends as Juliette enters, with her
nanny, Gertrude. Gertrude sings Pâris's praises to
her, as a future husband. Juliette, for her part, protests
her lack of interest for this marriage (ariette: " Je veux
vivre "). The nanny goes away and, while Juliette gets ready
to return to the dance, Roméo comes out of a corner
of the room. After some words, they realize that their
destinies are bound (madrigal: " Ange adorable!). In the
exchange which follows, Roméo discovers that he fell
in love with a Capulet. Although Roméo has his mask
back on, Tybalt manages to identify him. After
Roméo's hasty departure, Tybalt reveals to Juliette
that she spoke with a hated Montaigu. The guests return in
the centre of the scene: Roméo and his friends are
among them. Mercutio thinks that they were noticed and the
Montaigu operate a hasty retreat. Capulet does not authorize
Tybalt to follow them and encourages his guests to pursue
Acte II. The garden of Capulet at night. To the left,
the window and Juliette's balcony.
Roméo left his friends and came back like a thief in
the garden of the Capulet. He shouts out to Juliette as to a
rising sun (cavatina: " Ah! Lève-toi, soleil ").
Shortly after, she appears on the balcony and Roméo
reveals his presence. She asks him for a declaration of love
and allegiance which he gives her enthusiastically. Their
soft words are for a moment interrupted by Grégorio
and other servants of the Capulet, who roam the garden in
search of a page of Montaigu seen in the area (scene and
choir: " Personne! Le page aura fui "). When peace returns,
Roméo springs out of his hiding place (duet: " O nuit
divine "). Juliette confirms that she is ready to marry him
at the time of his choice and Roméo repeats his oath.
They are again interrupted, this time by Gertrude, who calls
Juliette in the house. The two lovers part reluctantly.
Acte III. Brother Laurent's cell. At dawn.
In the wings,a monks' choir can be heard. Brother Laurent
enters with a basket filled with plants and flowers, which
he is going to use to make secret potions. He sings the
miracles of nature (choir and cavatina: " Breceau de tous
les êtres "). Roméo rides up and tells him
about his love for Juliette Capulet. Juliette follows him
soon with Gertrude. The two lovers ask brother Laurent to
unite them. Convinced of the force of their affection, he
performs the ceremony (trio and quartet: " Dieu qui fis
l'homme à ton image "). A street in front of the
house of Capulet. Roméo's page, Stéphano, is
mocking the Capulet with a song speaking about a white dove
prisoner in a nest of vultures (song: " Que fais-tu, blanche
tourterelle? "). This scene attracts Grégorio and
other servants of the Capulet outside (finale: " Ah! Voici
nos gens! "). Stéphano resumes at once the tune of
his song in their presence, and challenges Grégorio
to a duel. Mercutio is indignant to see Grégorio
fight a duel with a simple child. Tybalt warns Mercutio to
pay attention to his words, and they also get involved in a
duel. When Roméo arrives , Tybalt turns around at
once to face him. Roméo keeps his head and asks
Tybalt to forget the days of hatred between the two
families. It is Mercutio who decides to defend
Roméo's honor. He resumes the duel with Tybalt, and
is wounded when Roméo throws himself between the two
duellists. Roméo, suddenly in anger, tries to obtain
vengeance; he fights with Tybalt and gives him a mortal
blow. A brass band and a marching troop announce the arrival
of Duke. The partisans of both houses shout for justice and,
having learnt what happened, the Duke exiles Roméo
away from Vérona. Before the drop of the curtain, the
members of the two houses renew their resentful curses.
Acte IV. Juliette's room in the early hours.
Juliette forgives Roméo for killing one of her
relatives (duet: " Va! Je t'ai pardonné "). They sing
both their love during the wedding night. Roméo
suddenly loosens his embrace when he hears the lark
announcing the day. Juliette refuses at first to believe it,
but she then becomes aware of reality. They know they have
to part before being discovered. After the departure of
Roméo, Capulet, Gertrude and brother Laurent enter
the room (quartet: " Juliette! Ah, le ciel soit
loué!"). Capulet announces to Juliette that the last
wish of Tybalt was to see Juliette marrying Pâris, and
that this marriage is already arranged. Juliette is in
despair. When her father leaves her room, she says to
brother Laurent that she would prefer to die rather than to
marry Pâris. He suggests a trick by which she will be
able to escape with Roméo. She should drink a
narcotic which will give her the appearance of death.
Capulet will transport the body to the family grave, where
Roméo will find her. Juliette accepts this plan. She
appeals to all her courage (air: " Dieu! Quel frisson court
dans les veines! "). A vision of the bloodstained Tybalt
makes her hesitate, but she empties finally the phial. A
magnificent room at the Capulet's. Juliette enters to the
sound of a wedding march . The guests present her their best
wishes and offer her wedding presents, but as Capulet takes
her arm to lead her into the chapel, she collapses. In the
general horror, Capulet exclaims that his daughter has died.
Act V. A subterranean crypt at the Capulet's. Juliette
is laying on a grave.
Brother Laurent learns from another monk, brother Jean, that
Roméo did not receive the letter explaining the trick
to him, because his page was attacked. Brother Laurent asks
Jean to find another messenger. After an instrumental
interlude intended to depict Juliette's state, Roméo
appears. Believing Juliette dead ; he drinks the poison he
carried with him. At that moment, she wakes up and they sing
their love. Roméo tells her that he has just absorbed
a fatal poison. While he weakens, Juliette reveals a dagger
hidden in her clothes and stabs herself. In a monumental
final effort, Roméo and Juliette ask for divine
leniency before dying.